Matthew Plewes, 25+ years in Security and Law Enforcement enhanced training.
Current Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) Number: 99-725153.
Master Plewes is available for instructing Seminars as well as work in Security Management and/or Security-Law Enforcement work.
Matt founded a respected security company in Japan and operated it successfully, including regular training classes for 2 decades. A family crisis brought Matt Plewes back to America in 2023. Plewes is available for a Security Management position. More information please see the security company website. Click here for Security Company
Chuntian Academy’s has government approved security enhancement, bodyguard and police tactic arrest enhancement training.
Chuntian Academy Japan and Chuntian Academy Singapore.
Also, Matt Plewes had coordinated and done event security and VIP protection in Japan.
1997-2001 – USA (Professional Enhanced Training – Master Instructor)
2001-2023 Japan (Master Instructor)
2011-Present – Singapore
S.A.C.T. (Seize and Control Tactics)
Levels 1-5
Assistant Instructor
Full Instructor
Instructor Trainer
Master Teacher